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AGA Tours

AGA Tours trip to The Gambia was the inspiration for developing the 'Organic Farm Enterprise'

Updated: Dec 15, 2021

'Organic Farm Enterprise' The Gambia

This information is from one of our clients who travelled with AGA Tours in 2019 to The Gambia for the first time. This is what Star Khemi had to say about what she has achieved so far.

Star Khemi’s experience in The Gambia inspired her to make a change as she wanted to contribute to community development in sustainable farming.

Her mission has now become a reality. She has established a farm in The Gambia supporting the community to improve their health and well being by promoting health tourism. Star Khemi gave us this statement about what she has achieved to date with the project - “My purpose for Gambia is to introduce and promote healthy lifestyle, vitality and longevity with the goal to shift the young people away from sex tourism towards health tourism. Also to establish an industry around health promoting products sourced and manufactured in Gambia.”

The desired outcome will enabled this project to create business publicly around the Organic Farm Enterprise along, with creating a solar panel pumping system and beds for all the different crops. This amazing act of generosity and kindness will benefit future generations.

Star Khemi was able to offer her support by funding an irrigation system for a farmer, who was in desperate need. This saved all the crops from dying and going to waste, in doing so this made a massive difference and resulted in new organic crops being reaped. Demonstrating her commitment to not only just herself but also aims to improve the environment for the local community in The Gambia. She expressed “ If I make myself like water, then people will make a way for me to stay and live good amongst them “. She made it clear that things were flowing nicely with doors and opportunities opening.

'Organic Farm Enterprise' Water tank system

Moving forward Star Khemi would like to create more opportunities for the wider community and invite others to see the projects they are working on. She would like to collaborate and train the youth to develop agricultural skills by reconnecting them with the soil. This will enable them to eat all the fresh foods and benefit from the nutritional value of growing what you eat and eating what you grow. While learning how crops can be converted into produce, packaged and sold in the markets. This will allow them to feed many families while supporting their families and maintaining sustainability.

'If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.'

Star Khemi’s feedback is that AGA Tours has been the catalyst for her establishing this project and has helped them to achieve many great things. They said “ We all have our roles to play, then we see the cosmic plan unfold “.

We hope this inspires you to join AGA Tours and explore Africa and re-awaken your DNA!

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